From the literature of the Rato Bangala Foundation:
The Primary Teaching Training Programme is a unique teacher training programme in Nepal that has been inspired by the work of three educational institutions: Rato Bangala Foundation, Kathmandu University and Bank Street College of Education (in New York).
This one simple sentence sums up a remarkable endeavor to change the face of early education in Nepal. The Rato Bangala Foundation's teacher training course offers two "tracks": one aimed at those who have completed a highschool education and the other leading to a bachelor's degree from Kathmandu University. Each offers classwork in educational philosophy, social studies, language arts, mathematics, science/environmental education, the arts and physical education. Supervised fieldwork is a critical component of students' experience and each is mentored by an advisor and assigned to a small group of fellow trainees for ongoing discussion, feedback and sharing of experience. The curriculum is based in the principles of progressive education and classwork involves not simply lectures and reading but hands-on experiences which model those practiced with children. Prospective teachers learn to observe children closely, to document their observations and to use this knowledge to devise effective teaching strategies. Language arts students take part in a writer's workshop, composing and "publishing" literature of their own. Math training involves creation of charts, use of manipulatives and group problem-solving exercises. Social studies is based in the idea of the "community as classroom" and focuses on the creation of meaning in a complex and changing world.
To quote once more from Rato Bangala's promotional material:
The strength of this programme lies in the integration of theory and practice: lessons learnt in the classrooms are practiced in the field and new knowledge is built on the experience.
Seventeen years into the Rato Bangala "experiment", their work is generating ever greater international attention and acclaim. Teacher training is a key component of the Foundation's vision for change.
If you would like to make a donation to support the work of the Rato Bangala Foundation, please contact me: Your contribution will make a difference to the children and teachers of Nepal.
Do you conduct trainings for teachers in schools outside of kathmandu?
We do conduct trainings in other areas of Nepal. Please let me know more about where your school is located and what kind of training might work for you. My email is
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